Sunday 2 May 2010


Swearing is a part of bad behaviour that I feel is becoming more socially accpetable as time goes on. I found this article, , that takes a detailed look at "social reposenses to swearing" and there were a few points raised in this that I would like to comment on, mainly in favour of swearing.

Firstly, I think the quote, "All languages have swearwords..." speaks for itself. I think the fact that every culture has a set of words that are considered "bad behaviour" does go in favour of them. If they were so taboo and so immoral why hasn't there been a language made without them. I think a funny little anadote I can add here is that the first thing my friend, who was forigen exchange student from Germany, asked me was to tell her all the swear words in order of serverity. They are something people do care about as it was the firs think that she wanted to know something she was very aware of... not a taboo at all.

Also "Most languages also have a hierarchy of swearwords" again can be read as going in favour of swearing. People obviously spend time to deciding these things. Would they really spend that much time on something if it was so immoral that it would never be heard of again?

Finally, a point that I can disagree with, "Western society generally views swearing as more appropriate for men than for women. Women who swear appear to violate more societal taboos than men who swear". Although this is perhaps the "general opinion" I will argue it's wrong, especially in the sub-culture of rock music. For women to swear in this sub-culture it's very acceptable and even attratcive and "kinky", it adds to the bad girl attitude.

Although I do know many people who still do not like swearing and I hate to say, but mainly the older generation, I find that nowadays in modern culture it is very common place and in amongst a group of teenagers, when counting the swearwords used I bet you'd be able to reach 100 in minutes. I've got to say it though, the plosive quality of these words and violent gestures of their symbolism is great stress relief.

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