Tuesday 27 April 2010

Identity Theft.

Are you aware of how high the risk is of becoming a victim of identity theft?

"One in four British adults either had been affected by identity theft or knew somebody who had, with 100,000 people per year being affected and costing victims £1.3 billion per year."

One in Four... that's a 1/4 of the population that have even been effected or have experienced the effects second hand as they know someone who has.

My family were a victim of this last year when our "internet shopping" account was somehow hacked and used by a person in Holland topping up their mobile phone by about £50 a day for four days. We were unaware of the problem until the bank contacted us and by then they'd got away with. It's very hard to track something like this and the only thing you can do really is close the account and stop them until they find their next victim.

You have no idea who it could be, where it could be or how it happened. I am definitely not in favour of this type of bad behaviour and the idea of someone actually posing as you, even for a short amount of time, really creeps me out. A word of warning, check all your accounts regularly and if something seems out of place of suspicious... act on it.

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