Thursday 22 April 2010


I am aware that there are many debates surrounding the issue of abortion. Most of these debates I tend to sit on the fence with because I could say I agree it's wrong and then think of a million and one exceptions to the rule. However there is one issue that I am strongly against and that is when women use abortion as a form of contraception. Just because you can't keep it in your panties doesn't mean you should continuously terminate lives. I mean, I'm not talking about one or two abortions in a life time here. I'm talking about numerous.

I found this article on the Daily Mail website which, unfortunately, proves that some women do do this. Link:

"A dramatic rise in repeat abortions has reinforced fears that women are increasingly having terminations for lifestyle reasons."

"One in three abortions is now carried out on women who have had at least one before."

"Earlier this year it was revealed that one woman from London had six abortions in just 12 months."

... and so it continues.

As I touched on before, I do understand women who have more than one abortion in a life time. If something is wrong and it would harm the child is it worth it? It's about quality of life as much as it is quantity. However six abortions in 12 months! I don't think that's right at all and that's why I am, in this case against abortion. As long as the women has a legitimate reason for an abortion then I'm all in favour. But if it's just because they are unaware of how to use a condom or forgot to take the pill... well I don't think they should be allowed the operation.

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