Thursday, 29 April 2010


I personally couldn't believe this took so long...

"Finally, an anti-homophobia school film. For the first time, gay equality can be promoted with Stonewall film FIT, and in a language pupils will understand."


It actually wasn't until I read this article that I was made aware of the fact, but something I am shocked about now, that when I was in school we did watch equality videos, but we never had one about gay equality.

And then I was even more shocked to discover...

"Just seven years ago it would have been illegal for local authorities to "promote" homosexuality in schools..."

I couldn't believe it. Personally, I have never understood homophobia, to me love is love. Some people happen to be attracted to the same sex. To me it's not a problem. So I am so glad this has finally started to be recognised within schools. I just hope it will make a difference and the community as a whole can start to realise and accept the different views and ways of life that are all around.

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